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  • Tags: Prime ministers' spouses - Jamaica

Mrs. Pierre Trudeau and Prime Minister Manley

"A kiss for the lady: Mrs. Pierre Trudeau, wife of the Canadian Prime Minister, receives a kiss from Prime Minister Manley as she arrived at Jamaica House on Thursday night to attend a dinner given by the Prime Minister for visiting heads of state…

Arnold Smith and Mrs. Smith being welcomed by Prime Minister and Mrs. Manley

"Commonwealth Secretary General Arnold Smith (right) and his wife (second from right) meet Prime Minister Manley (second from left) and Mrs. Manley (left) at the P.M.'s reception at Jamaica House during the Commonwealth Heads of Government…

Mrs. Mitsy Seaga takes baby from Sister Ethlyn Lynch at VJH

"SHARING HER FONDNESS: Mrs. Mitsy Seaga, wife of the Prime Minister (right), takes this little baby from Sister Ethlyn Lynch when she toured the nursery of the Victoria Jubilee Hospital yesterday (February 17). Mrs. Seaga is wearing a surgical gown.…

Mrs. Mitsy Seaga gives handshake to Sister E. Lynch of V.J.H.

"Mrs. Mitsy Seaga [extreme right] wife of the Prime Minister, Hon. Edward Seaga, gives a warm handshake to Sister E. Lynch of the Victoria Jubilee Hospital [second left] after presenting two incubators to the institution Tuesday. From left Senior…

Bustamante, Lady Gladys

Lady Gladys Bustamante (nee Longville) trade unionist, women's activist and wife of Jamaica's first Prime Minister, Alexander Bustamante.

Michael's second wife, dancer Thelma

A portrait of former People's National Party (PNP) leader and Jamaican Prime Minister's second wife, Thelma Verity.