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- Tags: Prime ministers' spouses - Jamaica
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Arnold Smith and Mrs. Smith being welcomed by Prime Minister and Mrs. Manley
"Commonwealth Secretary General Arnold Smith (right) and his wife (second from right) meet Prime Minister Manley (second from left) and Mrs. Manley (left) at the P.M.'s reception at Jamaica House during the Commonwealth Heads of Government…
Arnold Smith, Mrs. Smith and Michael Manley
"Commonwealth Secretary General Arnold Smith and Mrs. Smith were also welcomed by Prime Minister and Mrs. Manley."
Arvid Pardo sharing his hour of glory
"Arvid Pardo (right) sharing his hour of glory with Prime Minister Edward Seaga and Mrs. Seaga on Friday after the official opening of the UN Law of the Sea Convention for signature, at the Rose Hall Beach Hotel in Montego Bay."
Beverley Manley tour the Danny Williams School for the Deaf
"This is how a young executive takes a picture: This young lad seems to be saying as he resists attempts by Mrs. Michael Manley, wife of the Prime Minister (left) to distract his attentionf rom the photographer to his toys. Occasion was Mrs. Manley's…
Busta and the Beauties
"Busta and the beauties: Fourteen of the finalists in the Miss Jamaica Contest who visited the Rt. Excellent Sir Alexander Bustamante at his Irish Town residence Thursday are seen here with the National Hero and Lady Bustamante. It was one of the…
Tags: Beauty contestants; Beauty contestants - Jamaica; Beauty contests; Beauty contests - Jamaica; Bustamante, Alexander, - 1884-1977; Bustamante, Gladys Maud, 1912-2009; Labour leaders - Jamaica; Politicians - Jamaica; Prime ministers; Prime ministers - Jamaica; Prime ministers' spouses; Prime ministers' spouses - Jamaica
Bustamante, Lady Gladys
Lady Gladys Bustamante (nee Longville) trade unionist, women's activist and wife of Jamaica's first Prime Minister, Alexander Bustamante.
Carpet handcraft for Air Jamaica by Urban Craft
"Mrs. Mitzie (Mitsy) Seaga, wife of the Prime Minister examining a carpet handcrafted for Air Jamaica by Urban Craft. Also in the picture is Mr. Mike Casserley of Air Jamaica and some of the women engaged in the Craft Project. Urban Craft is a…
Gladys Bustamante
"Gladys Longbridge, now Lady Bustamante."
Holy Trinity Cathedral
"The hierarchy of the BITU and the JLP occupied the central seating area of Holy Trinity Cathedral during the service for Sir Alexander in observance of his 93rd birthday on Thursday. From right: Opposition Leader Eddie Seaga and Mrs. Seaga, Lady…
Lady Bustamante
"Lady Bustamante after spending five weeks in Britain."
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Portland Square and Cenotaph

The Portland Square bustling with activity. Also known as Market Square and Cenotaph Square by locals, the square features a cenotaph dedicated to the…