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  • Tags: Bands (Music) - Jamaica

A little one gets a try on the drums

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"A little try: The little one gets a try on the drum under the guidance of 'drum master' Bongo Herman during his performance at the August 5 concert."

Sugar Belly

"Sugar Belly Mento band, who won the lone Gold Medal awarded in the National Music Festival in Mento, giving a performance they had to repeat for the thrilled audience."

Richmond Culture Band

Bands (Music) - Jamaica; Musical instruments; Musicians - Jamaica

Dean Fraser of Lloyd Parkes' 'We the People Band'

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"We The People Band seen delighting the crowd. Saxophonist Dean Fraser (third from right) exciting the crowd in one of his solo acts."

Students from the Jamaica Association for the Deaf dancing

"Students from the Jamaica Association for the Deaf do a hip swinging member to the music of The Sonny Bradshaw Seven."

Police band at Sheraton

Police band entertaining at the Sheraton-Kingston Hotel.

Disco fever at Turn Table Club

"Disco fever: one of the couples who won the Discomania Dance Contest at the Turn Table Club on Sunday night last."

Lady Glosspole Annual Christmas Treat

"All eyes are on Parade: The children at the annual Christmas treat given by Lady Glasspole, wife of the Governor General on Monday are enjoying the Jamaica Travellers Band's thrilling Christmas music, all except the little girl (left) who is more…